The DOM picker

The Boozang elment path

Boozang uses

The DOM picker window

For this reason, to be able to deliver new features fast without forcing the end user to re-learn, we added an online help function inside the tool. Simply click the question mark in the user interface, and click the functionality and an explanation will appear.

example image

Element path operation

The element path has the following operations. We've expanded the jQuery selction standard to create a more human-readable code to identify elements. The basic pattern is that the lowercase jQuery standard operations, while uppercase operations are case-insensitive. All recorded will generate Uppercase operations. The operations that will be recorded for a test-case is marked by an asterix (*)

  • nodeContains (*): Is true if the selected element (case-insensitive) have the exact string alongside other strings

    Yes:<div>lws ok</div>
    Yes:<div>lws <span>ok</span></div>
    No: <div><span>lws</span></div>
  • nodeEquals (*): Is true if the selected element (case-insensitive) have the exact string

    No: <div>lws ok</div>
    No: <div>lwsok</div>
    No: <div><span>lws</span></div>
  • nodeOrChildrenEquals: Is true if the selected element or any of it's children (case-sensitive) have the exact string alongside other strings
    No: <div>lws ok</div>
  • nodeOrChildrenEquals (*): Is true if the selected element or any it's children (case-insensitive) matches

    Ex: div:Contains(lws)
    Yes:<div><span>LWs ok</span></div>
    No: <div>lwsok</div>
  • nodeOrChildrenContainsWord: Is true if the selected element and all it's children (case-insensitive) matches

    Ex: div:Contains(lws)
    Yes:<div><span>lws ok</span></div>
    No: <div>lwok</div>
  • RowCol (*):

    Ex: TD:RowCol([value|name])
    No: <tr><td></td><td>name</td></tr>
  • rowcol:

    Ex: TD:rowcol([value|name])
    No: <tr><td></td><td>name</td></tr>
  • near (*):
    Ex: input:near(name)
    Yes:<div><label>name: <input/></label></div>
    Yes:<div><label>name: </label><input/></div>
    No: <div>name</div><div><label>value</label><input/></div>