Recording a test

Your first recording

To record a test simply click the record action and do the actions you want to record in the application browser window. Make sure to align the tool window and application window side by side so you can clearly see any unwanted actions recorded, and make sure no actions are missed. Any unwanted actions can simply be removed by clicking on the trash bin next to the action.

Suspending the recording

To suspend the recording simply press stop, and restart the recording by pressing record again.

Recording into a test

When recording a test, it´s common that you want to add steps in the beginning or middle of a test. In this case, simply press the Plus-sign on the action list where you want to start recording and choose "Record from here". The recorded actions will be added after the selected action.


The recording functionality will generate event actions. If you want to edit an individual event, for instance, to emulate mouse hover or create delays, simply edit the action in the details section. This can be toggled open by clicking on the action or the edit button.